2023 Swim Team Summer Pool Memberships & Swim Lessons
We are excited to announce that The Covington Country Club will be participating in The Northshore Country Club Swim League this summer! The league consists of teams from The Tchefuncta Country Club, Beau Chene, and Mandeville Sports Complex and will start in May. Signup information, important dates and more details will be published on our website, www.covington-countryclub.com. We are also working with local swim coaches to organize swimming lessons at The Club. Details and signup information will be published on our website as they are finalized.

Crawfish Season at the Club!

We’re officially in crawfish season! Stop by and enjoy hot, boiled crawfish served every weekend starting Friday at 3pm. Call to place a pickup order! Book your Corporate Crawfish Party at the Club or have us Cater offsite! (985) 234-9722.
We’re taking lifeguard applications for the summer pool season! ISO Certified, dependable lifeguards with at least one year of experience. Submit applications to hello@covington-countryclub.com.